House name and number sign with English saddle and flowers pictorial. Created by house sign artist Ivan Brenton. Our customer requested a sign with her house name and house number also depicting an English Riding Saddle surrounded by sweet peas and cornflowers. I was very impressed with the saddle, the leather looks very real. Our customer was also delighted with the sign. I have put a snippet of her email she sent us in the 'comments' below. This is actually the third house sign this customer has ordered from us over the years - we must be doing something right!
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1 comment:
Below is a snippet of an email from the customer who commissioned the above house sign
Hi Gerry
Just wanted to let you know that the sign arrived about 20 minutes ago and I am absolutely delighted. It is so pretty with wonderful attention to detail, I can't wait to put it up.
I thought you might be interested to know a little history about Fore Street. In the Morchard Bishop 1891 Census, Tom Conibeer was the saddlemaker who lived with his wife Emily (dressmaker) and their two children Emily and Edward at No 12. It seems that all the trades were represented in the street:- Draper, Milliner, Baker, Shoe Maker, Wheelwright, Blacksmith, Grocer, Saddler, Carrier, Farmer, Thatcher, Dressmaker and there was a School Mistress. There were two paupers and all the children were scholars.
Thank you again.
Hannah Kyle
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