We announced that for Christmas 2004 that ALL monies taken for house sign orders on our website on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day will be donated to the UNICEF Darfor emergency fund - this unexpectedly raised £312.70 over the three days of the holiday, the previous year this totalled £79 - thank you to the customers who bothered to log on over the Christmas holiday period.
Unfortunately the Asian tzunami happened on December 26th and after much discussion and confering with the customers we decided to split the fund and donate £160 to UNICEF Dafur and £160 to Emergencies disaster fund for the tsunami disaster.
Thanks to the customers who placed their orders over Christmas, your money went to a good cause.
Whilst the tzunami disaster is grabbing the headlines, the people in
Sudan are still in desperate need of help, so please don't forget them!
On a personal note, after the Tzunami disaster, my wife Julie and I decided to sponsor a child orphaned by this dreadful flood to be able to live with extended family and get education, decent health care and emotional support during the rest of its life. This is a long term commitment but now that our two children have grown up we both agreed it was the right time. We both looked for an organisation that would cater for this and found the
SOS Children's Charity. They do exactly this kind of work and for just £20 per month you can sponsor a child. Every penny of the £20 sponsorship goes to the childrens welfare - the charity itself is financed on other donations and 'gift aid' which is the money that is given by the taxman if you tick the box on charity donations. The charity is worldwide - the link is to their UK site. If you have considered sponsoring a child yourself, why not do it now! These kids need your help.
Kind regards, Gerry