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Monday, January 30, 2006

House name sign with mallard duck motif. Painted by Ivan Brenton. Our American customer ordered this sign for someone in the UK. He requested a male mallard duck standing by some water. This example shows how unique our house signs realy are. If you scroll down a few pictures, you will see another example of a house plaque with mallards painted on it. Our artist use their own talent to lay out the unique pictorials within the confines of the text and /or numbers on the house plaques. Nice one Ivan!
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006

House name sign with a narrow boat pictorial. Our customers requested a pictorial of a blue narrowboat painted in the top arch of this sign.
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House Sign with Tigger pictorial. Our customer asked for a happy bouncing tigger to be hand painted on this house sign. Painted by house sign artist Ivan Brenton.
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House sign with fox pictorial. This house number and house name plaque was commissioned by a customer who asked for a fox half accross a stepping stone in a river and on the bank of the river. Painted by Ivan - nice work Ivan!
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House sign with French House name and two border terriers. Our customer asked for a design with these two dogs painted in front of a sunflowers field. The house sign is destined for France where the landscape is full of sunflowers.
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Searching for a specific pictorial design? - Simply type your search word in the BLOG SEARCH BOX below. For example...... dog, rainbow, flowers, boat, bird, landscape etc. Then press your 'Search' key

You won't see all house sign designs we make here as most of the house signs made by us are standard house names or house numbers without custom painted pictorials - you can view all our STANDARD HOUSE SIGNS at our home websites or our house sign shop to buy one.